Binna Burra selected as Queensland finalist for the 2021 Resilient Australia Awards

Written by Binna Burra

September 9, 2021

The Resilient Australia Awards:

  • celebrate and promote initiatives that build whole of community resilience to disasters and emergencies around Australia, as well as images capturing resilience in action
  • recognise collaboration and innovative thinking across all sectors
  • recognise outstanding contributions in each state and territory centred on risk assessment and mitigation, mental health and wellbeing, education, training and research, and community engagement, as well as response and recovery
  • sponsored by the Australian Government in partnership with the states and territories and managed by the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR)

Queenslanders have been involved in 19 inspiring projects that have been selected as finalists for the 2021 Resilient Australia Awards across six award categories.

Binna Burra Lodge has been announced as a Queensland finalist in the Business Awards category for it’s response and recovery efforts over the past two years since the devastating bushfire destroyed the heritage listed lodge on Sunday 8 September 2019.

Organised by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, winners of the 2021 Resilient Australia Awards for Queensland will be announced at an event in the State Library, Brisbane on 6 October 2021. Guest speaker will be the Queensland Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young.

Project description

During the early stages of what became the six months of ‘Black Summer’ bushfires in Australia (2019/2020) – on Sunday 8 September 2019, the historic Binna Burra Lodge and pioneer cabins were destroyed. The lodge was within the Binna Burra Cultural Landscape (Queensland Heritage Register), within the world heritage listed Lamington National Park. The business was closed for one year, reopening with remaining assets in September 2020. It’s been a team effort of resilient PALs which has managed to get the ‘spirit of Binna Burra’ back up-and-running. (PAL’s = Partnerships. Alliances. Linkages).

Some links to tell the Binna Burra story:


(b) Griffith University – bushfire at Binna Burra – case study 


What is Resilience?

Resilience is a system’s or community’s ability to rapidly accommodate and recover from the impacts of hazards, restore essential structures and desired functionality, and adapt to new circumstances.

What is Recovery?

Disaster recovery is a coordinated process of supporting disaster-affected communities – through support for emotional, social and physical well-being; reconstruction of physical infrastructure; and economic and environmental restoration (including regeneration of the natural environment, associated infrastructure, heritage sites and structures, and the management of pollution and contamination).


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