Get The Most Out Of Your Binna Burra Stay

We've put together a handy itinerary for things you've got to do when staying at Binna Burra!A lot of people know about Binna Burra and Lamington National Park, but it can take a long time before you discover the best things that each has to offer. Consider this a...

Chairman’s update – July 2020

Giving you details on the 12 month post bushfire recovery and reopening of Binna Burra. We trust you are handling this current COVID-19 pandemic period satisfactorily. It’s another remarkable period in the past century of Binna Burra’s history since the ideas were...

Our first customer for ‘Binna-Burra Begins’

On a crisp clear winter's morning at the Binna Burra Kitchen, Neil O'Brien became first person to purchase one of the limited edition new books, Binna Burra Begins'. Neil is the General Manager, Tourism Industry development at Tourism and Events Queensland, and was at...